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Since 2018, the Sam Bass Fire Department and Emergency Services District #2 call volume has increased by 100%. Combine this with inflation, population growth, and the rising costs of critical life saving equipment, ESD#2 can no longer sufficiently cover it's expenses through property taxes alone.​​ 

By having a sales and use tax, ESD #2 would be shifting a portion of the funding for emergency services from property owners to anyone buying taxable goods and services in the District. The District has chosen to seek additional funding through a sales tax so some of the funding for emergency services will be borne by those traveling through the County who also use the District’s emergency services. 

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Sam Bass Fire

ESD #2 is the taxing entity responsible for overseeing fire protection for the Brushy Creek area. They ensure that residents receive high-quality emergency response from the Sam Bass Fire Department.  Click the picture to see the area of land designated as ESD #2 that is protected by the Sam Bass Fire Department. This is the area of land that the May Sales and Use Tax is for. 

Sales and Use Tax Election

Saturday May 3, 2025 - Williamson county

Key Dates:

Monday, April 3rd - Last Day to Register to Vote
Friday, April 22nd - Last Day to Request Ballot by Mail

Early Voting:
April 22 - 29, 2025

​Election Day: 

Saturday, May 3 - (7:00 am – 7:00 pm)

​Location: Round Rock Presbyterian Church 4010 Sam Bass Rd. Round Rock, TX 78681

Voting dates and locations

Williamson County, TX

ESD #2

Question: What Is Sales and Use Tax?

Answer: Every time you purchase a taxable item a sales tax is collected. Taxable items include all retail sales such as clothes, shoes, household goods; leases and rentals of most goods; as well as services such as lawn care, cleaning services and pest control. Items which are not taxable include most grocery items, prescription drugs, and medical services.

In Texas, the maximum sales tax that can be collected is $0.0825 (8.25%). Of the 8.25% the State captures $0.0625 (6.25%) and allows any public entity that completes a voter approved process to collect the remaining (2%). Currently most emergency services districts that border ESD #2 collect the 2% sales and use tax. This includes the ESDs that support Liberty Hill, Georgetown, Florence, Hutto and Jarrell. By approving this proposition, you the citizen, dedicate this sales tax to ESD #2 who will directly fund the Sam Bass Fire Department for you and your families safety and protection.

​Question:  Is This A Property Tax? Will Your Property Taxes Go Up?

​Answer:  No. This is a sales and use tax, which will be applied to all taxable goods and services purchased within the District boundaries. This would apply to local residents and anyone traveling to or through the District who purchases taxable goods and services.

Question: Why Should Sam Bass Fire Department Get This?

Answer: The Sam Bass Fire Department covers a rapidly expanding area. Our population, along with surrounding populations, has grown dramatically in the past decade. With even more substantial development (including Pearson Ranch) expected in the next two years alone our call volume will continue to increase at an accelerated rate. In order to meet the current and future demands while keeping the same quality of care citizens of this community have come to expect, we need additional revenue to offset the rising costs incurred by the rapid growth in the area.

Question: What will Sam Bass Fire Department Do With The Funds?

​Answer: By helping to increase the Sam Bass Fire Department’s revenue we can better serve you. We will use the additional funds for recruitment and retention to maintain adequate staffing. We will enhance these firefighters by funding more training and continuing education. We will ensure that citizens are serviced by up-to-date apparatuses and life saving equipment. We will work to make certain that regardless of growth and development, response times remain low.

Question: Do other emergency services districts have a sales and use tax?

Answer: Yes. The majority of emergency services districts that border Emergency Services District (ESD) #2 collect 2% in sales and use taxes. This includes the ESDs that support Liberty Hill, Florence, Jarrell, Georgetown, and Hutto.

​Question: Would the 2% local sales tax apply to buying a vehicle?

​​Answer: According to State law, the 2% local tax would not apply to the sale of a motor vehicle. The State assesses a tax of 6.25% on most motor vehicle sales. The local 2% sales tax would only apply to vehicle maintenance, repair, and accessory sales. More information can be found by visiting the Texas Comptroller website.

Question: How do I find this election on my ballot?

Answer: Please visit Election Ballot Lookup on the Williamson County website. Look for Proposition A. 

Question: Didn't I already vote for this Proposition in 2023?

Answer: Yes, a vote for Sales and Use tax was conducted and Passed in November of 2023. However, because of incorrect ballot language the election result was nullified by the State of Texas Comptroller's Office. See the complete press release below. 

On Saturday, May 3, 2025 residents of Emergency Services District (ESD) #2 and Sam Bass Fire Department will be asked to vote on a Local Sales and Use Tax (Proposition A). If approved, this proposition will authorize the District to receive up to two cents of unused sales tax in all areas not yet at the state maximum of 8.25%. The funds will be utilized to supplement the financial needs of the ESD#2 District, due to the increased population and commercial growth in the area. 

Before you cast your vote, we want to ensure you have the information necessary to make an informed decision. We encourage you to continue reading for more information and answers to common questions about this proposition. 


What is this election for?

Emergency Services District

What is ESD #2?


Sam Bass Fire